December 15, 2018

40 Years and 12 Weeks

40 Years and 12 Weeks

It took me forty years and 12 weeks to write a book.

Forty years to think about it, talk about it, tell other people I was going to do it… 

Forty years to stress about it, hate myself for not doing it, hate other people for stealing my ideas…

Forty years to wonder if the world would like it, hide from the potential criticism, and tell myself I wasn’t good enough…

Forty years to beat around the proverbial bush. (Which, by the time I was nearly 50, had grown to the size of a redwood.)

>>I spent the first ten of those years telling myself I wasn’t old enough. I wasn’t ready.

>>I spent the last ten of those years telling myself I was too old. No one would want to hear what I had to say, and there wasn’t enough time left, anyway. 

>>And I spent the twenty years in between telling myself I had more important things to do—a son to raise, a career to foster, a business to manage, money to make, houses to buy, a marriage to serve and protect, parties to plan, vacations to take, sh&% to do around the house… I actually convinced myself that writing a book would be “irresponsible.”

And then one morning, I had a massive realization. A shift that changed me forever.

I realized, that at 48 years old, I was in PrimeTime. That I was wiser, more experienced, more insightful, more intuitive, more READY than I had ever been to write that book. And so I started my research.

And when I’d gathered my facts and mastered my message…

I finally shot the gun on the book-writing project.

And in 12 weeks, I was done.

What’s crazy about that 12 weeks is that before I could begin, I had to remind myself of what I’d felt like when I was 11 years old. When being a “professional writer” was all I could think about. When I shared my poems with my mom’s hairdresser, won the sixth-grade spelling bee, practiced haikus for fun, and stopped and started my turntable a thousand times so I could write down the lyrics to Sugar Hill Gang’s “Rapper’s Delight” word-for-word… 

I had to get back to the time when the rise and fall and tumble and flow of words amazed me… and I couldn’t wait for the world to hear mine.

I had to return to the little girl I once was, in order to be the woman I needed to be.

I had to tell the world it was full of sh&%, in order to realize I was full of potential.

The average life span for a woman in America is 86 years.

What are you going to do with the ones you have left?

If you’re in—or approaching—middle age, then join me in a new, transformational program designed to help you rock those remaining years:


>>Over the course of 7 days, you’ll experience deep and meaningful shifts about the value, potential, and opportunity associated with the second half of your life.

>>You’ll work just outside your comfort zone to get in touch with what your heart desires.

>>You’ll reach back in time to get in touch with that little girl you left behind.

>>You’ll be introduced to the 6 LIES that keep middle-aged women stuck… and come to see the truth that will set you free.

>>And you’ll create a crystal clear, powerful plan for what’s next for you—and how to absolutely slay it.


For the first six days, you’ll receive a daily video from me along with an exercise. It won’t take more than 30 minutes each day; but the realizations will stay with you for a good, long time.

And on the 7th day, I’ll host a live transformational workshop, online. In this workshop, we’ll go deep and have a blast. And you’ll work alongside an amazing group of PrimeTime women who are also designing the lives of their dreams.

As part of The Revolution, you’ll join the PrimeTime Posse, a Facebook group filled with PrimeTime women who walk alongside you, and lift you up when you need a boost.

JOIN TODAY Positively PrimeTime: The 7-Day Revolution  

So you can design the second half of your life from the stuff that stirs your soul.

It’s 7 Days. For $47. 

And it includes a signed copy of my book.

What have you got to lose?

Straight from my middle-aged heart,


P.S. If you’re in PrimeTime and ready to create a life from the stuff that stirs your soul and turns you on, join Positively PrimeTime: The 7-Day Revolution TODAY. Because early-bird pricing of $47 is limited to 100 seats. And women are beginning to pour in. Click here for more information.

P.P.S. I know that the holidays are a CRAZY time to start something like this. So we’ll officially begin our transformation on January 9. That means you can buy now—and take a breath before we start. It also means that if you know a middle-aged woman who needs a boost or a kick in the pants, The Revolution makes for an outstanding holiday gift. Click here to buy.

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