July 23, 2019

When you Talk About Your Business, do People Listen? And Then buy?

When you Talk About Your Business, do People Listen? And Then buy?

Imagine how different you’d FEEL about your marketing if you were confident that people would LISTEN to what you’re saying, then BUY what you’re selling.

My client, Wendy, is a transformational travel expert. She’s not a travel agent—that’s someone who handles logistics. Wendy is an EXPERT IN TRANSFORMATION, and she owns a business called Rebel On the Go. She plans and coaches around travel experiences that change peoples’ lives, relationships, emotional states, perspectives, and confidence levels. She’s special, this one. (And she gave me permission to write this… So I’m not jabberin’ behind her back, here.)

A few months back, Wendy and I spent a two-hour session together where she created a one-year plan for a new “group travel” income stream in her business. And it’s smokin’ hot. Essentially, she’s curating group experiences that are absolutely “other than.”

But this kind of travel is “other than” from a marketing standpoint, as well. With these group trips, rather than fielding calls from individuals who need her services, Wendy is “pushing” well-formed ideas out to the public. She’s presenting trips that folks may have never even considered, and providing education and building enthusiasm around some pretty exotic experiences.


When she began planning the first trip, she told me,

“I’m not sure if anyone will come. And I probably won’t make any money off of this. I’m just doing this one to pay for my own trip. Because it will be fun.”

Wait. What? Hold the phone. I suspect you know how I responded to this.

“Wendy, this is not the Red Cross. We work for profit, and we’re not ashamed.”

But truly, Wendy was unsure if she could pull enough people together to get past the minimums required and begin earning commissions. She had a limited amount of time, and she needed to sell eight slots before she’d make a dime, herself.

She was unsure for exactly four days. That’s how long it took her to sell TEN CABINS on a luxury cruise line, for a trip twenty months in the future that costs thousands of dollars, to people who had never bought travel from her before.


Wendy concentrated on three things:

>>Her mindset toward the task.
>>Her message around the trip.
>>The perfect platform to deliver it.

She nailed all three. And now she has an awesome process in place for pitching these group experiences going forward. It’s the IDEAL process to capitalize on her passions, gifts, and expertise. It’s a three-part combo that plays to all of her competitive advantages. And she LOVES doing it. (Imagine LOVING your marketing plan!)

On Wednesday I’m hosting a LIVE ONLINE MASTERCLASS and I’ll show you what Wendy did, specifically, to play to her own strengths and surpass her goals in four days. And I’ll lay out the three things YOU need to do in order to build a brand that can support the size of YOUR potential.

Grab your seat for the masterclass here.

For the first hour, I’ll present some awesome content with specific, actionable steps. And then for 30 minutes or so, I’ll do a live Q&A, where you can ask me questions about your business, and we can talk about what might work for YOUR gifts and talents.

Grab your seat for the masterclass here.
There are 100 seats. They’re going fast. And I’m on fire around this topic.

Straight from the heart,

Personal Juju
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