Two of the questions I hear most frequently now are: “How can I find my voice in this crisis?” And “How do I break through the noise?” I’ve written about both of those things in the last week or so.
But showing is always better than telling, so I give you…. Steak-umm. They make frozen sliced steak for Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches!!
Steak-Umm has EMERGED on Twitter with a series of deeply compelling and well-articulated positions about information inequality, the quality and origin of data and scientific evidence, and a number of other issues pertinent to the day. It’s very, very good. And the writer stays in the threads and comments, which has driven many people to discuss and share.
I share a screen capture of a share from from Lauren Hough (one of my favorite Tweeters) below, because you can see HOW this is perceived by others… how pleasantly surprised people are about Steak-Umm stepping up. And then how it moves forward and gets traction.
None of this has ANYTHING to do with steak. It’s about SERVING PEOPLE WITH INFORMATION.
You don’t have to talk about your business to make a connection. Talk about what you know, believe, or understand that will MOVE PEOPLE OUT OF CONFUSION AND TOWARD CLARITY.
This is how leaders emerge.
If want to see how it all plays out in real-time on Twitter, click through and read this Tweet thread. And then click through to their profile and see how many times Steak-Umm has been able to “show up and clarify” in the past couple of weeks. And how’s it caught on like wildfire.
It’s steak, well-done.