This morning I got an awesome email from my homeowners insurance company. I love them.
And here’s the crazy part: I’ve never even spoken to them.
They light me up from a distance. (And before you blow this off and say, “Oh, Juju’s a brand nerd and she gets turned on by shit that’s totally boring to me,” hear me out. Because this is NOT your ordinary homeowner’s insurance.)
So, last year the hubby and I sold our family home in Arizona and bought a little love-nest condo on the golf course. We’re planning for the day next year when our son leaves for college (SCORE!!!) and we can work around the world and chase the endless summer. Anyway, it was my job to call around and get insurance quotes. Which sucks, really. Shitty job. As pleasurable as a root canal…
And then I came across a Google ad for Lemonade. This is what it said:
Forget everything you know about insurance.
Instant Everything.
Killer prices.
Big heart.
Big heart? Whatever.
But I’m a sucker for a great differentiator, so I leaned in.
Every bit of it was true. I downloaded an app to my phone. And I had insurance in about 10 minutes. Never spoke to a soul.
But THIS is where it all gets interesting: Lemonade is a “social impact” company. They “reverse the traditional insurance model.” Essentially, we pay premiums, they take a flat fee and pay claims out of the premium, and anything that’s left over goes to charity.
They give the left-over to charity.
And they let me choose the cause that my premiums support. (I chose measures against human trafficking.)
It was SO SIMPLE that I thought it might not be real. So I Googled some more, just because I felt like insurance should involve at least a LITTLE BIT of pain. And they checked out.
Never thought about it again.
And then this morning, I got an email from them. The subject line said: “warm and fuzzy.” (WTF? Did you ever get a “warm and fuzzy” from your insurance company?) And they showed me what I was part of.
CLICK HERE to see what they did. (When you open this web page, it will look like a white screen with a headline. As you scroll down, the goods will appear.) Check it out. Then meet me back here at this email, so we can talk about it…
This company differentiated themselves in THREE CRITICAL WAYS:
- Ease of transaction
- Pricing
- Social impact
They gave me THREE SOLID REASONS to choose them over the big boys.
But you know what it all boils down to? HEART AND SOUL.
Lemonade brands and operates from heart and soul. And they touched mine.
Today I’m sending tens of thousands of people an email about feeling “warm and fuzzy” over homeowners insurance. A product that most people would choose SECOND to chewing broken glass.
What are you doing that’s making your customers tell people about you? Where’s the heart and soul in your brand that helps folks CHOOSE you? Where’s the warm and fuzzy? What are your customers PART of? What have you reinvented or re-tooled or turned upside-down?
Whose fancy did you tickle this morning?
I love you so.
P.S. Heart and soul is where it’s at, my friend. And if you want a brand that’s rich with both, I’ve got you covered. You can meet me and 50 PrimeTime women in San Diego for the PrimeTime Essence Experience. The entire 3-day experience was created for you to explore the heart and soul of your brand. Or, we can work together one-on-one as you build a brand that lights folks up (Click here to see what other women are saying about working with me… and to schedule a discovery call.) Make your customers wake up and talk about you. It’ll change their lives…and yours.